Email Security Center

“Did you get my email?”
“No, I didn’t even know you sent one.”

When you send a legitimate email, does it get flagged as suspicious?
Do your email recipients see messages like the one above?
Do your emails disappear into thin air?

Maybe you’ve seen error messages about SPF, DKIM, or DMARC not being configured. This problem occurs when you pay for a domain and don’t set up the DNS settings to work correctly with modern email authentication programs.

SPF, DKIM, and DMARC are designed to differentiate between legitimate emails and “spoofed” emails. Email spoofing is when someone pretends to send an email from your domain, but they’re really sending it from some other domain. Email companies try to protect their customers by flagging or discarding emails that can’t be verified.

FIFO Networks can configure your email settings at the server correctly, and we’ll monitor any reports that are generated about problems.

More emails will be delivered.
Fewer emails will be flagged.

Please note: we never see the contents of your emails. We can’t. The reports only contain information about fraudulent senders posing as your company, and problems with the security configuration.

Contact Us to learn more about email security, the setup fee, and monthly monitoring.